Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Doctor had some good news

Well Jayme's doctor said she can probably induce Jayme next week. She also said that there are other painkillers Jayme can take that will help her get through this. Plus the kidney stones have most likely been there a while, they are just now aggravated due to the pressure of the fluid and the pregnancy, so she probably wont pass them until much later after the pregnancy is over. She said there is nothing she can do about the fluid, it will go away when the baby is born, so let's hope Jayme doesn't have too much back labor. Jayme is 70% effaced but just starting to dilate. We'll see how this weekend goes and her next visit. I should be a grandma, and her sisters will be aunts before the end of this month! WOO HOO!


At 11:42 AM, Blogger The Math Ninja said...

oh mary anne, you make me laugh. I hope everything goes smooth for jay. As long as she doesn't have it between 7:30 am and 2:00 pm on Friday th 28th, I can (and will) be there.

At 7:22 PM, Blogger Maria said...

it is true

mary anne is my lover.

At 7:22 PM, Blogger Irene said...

Mary anne, you always made me laugh. Of course you are an aunt!!! I love ya sweetie.

At 9:02 AM, Blogger Tuba Queen said...

You all crazy!!! Aunts (lovers), Grandmas & all. Now that her room is done I feel so much more ready. NOT READY but closer to being ready.

At 11:25 AM, Blogger The Math Ninja said...

Well Jay. In about 4 days you won't have a choice of beig ready or not.


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