Wednesday, September 05, 2007

I'm back

Well it's been eons since I posted on my blog. I have not had much time, soo much has gone on in these past months. We got Jay's house back to sell and we worked our butts off on that, it's on the market now and hopefully will be sold soon. Work has been so stressful and hectic. Our legal department moved to Wichita and they did not do it in a very organized manner so now things are behind, tons of trainees, two more start tomorrow, and I have to do the initial training. I have a new collector that I've been neglecting because of all the stuff I've been having to do for the boss and for the legal department. I moved my office to another in the building to help out. I'm tired, frustrated, stressed, you name it. I know it will not always be this bad but right now I feel like I can't get the simplest things done without staying till all hours.
On a better note, I did work on my basement and it is really starting to look good. I forgot my camera at Maria's when I went up to Manhattan when she had her wisdom teeth taken out so I can't post a picture yet, but it looks good. Anyway, I'm glad I got to do this post and I'll try to post more often.


At 6:11 AM, Blogger The Math Ninja said...

You can do it, Ma. Sorry everything is so screwy lately.


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