Friday, April 06, 2007


So everyone made fun of me because as my kids moved out, I kept getting bigger houses until I was living alone in the biggest house yet. But see, there was a method to my madness! If my house is big enough, my kids, their kids etc will always have room to stay when they visit. Logical if you ask me. So now that my Jayme and my beautiful granddaughter needed a change, ta da! Room for all. Since Jayme and baby Nicole moved in last week, we killed ourselves getting stuff done to make them at home. It was fun and not over yet! First we cleared room in the basement for my office furniture, then moved the office furniture from the top floor to the basement, books, shelves and all. Oh I'll give you a clue on easy moving of things down two flights of stairs, just put things in flat stuff, like boxes, suitcases, then sit on the steps next to it and slide down the stairs while holding it, yes it's fun! Especially when the box is heavy, you move pretty fast! OK back to work, THEN we moved Jay's queen bed up the stairs from the garage... box spring didn't fit. But being the comical, laughing, stubborn ladies we are, Once we stopped laughing long enough, we dislodged it from the staircase and MADE it fit. OH yeah! it's up stairs. Then we moved all the furniture out of the spare room, of course the crib didn't fit out the door so we had to take it apart and put it back together in my room even though it was next door! But we want Nicoles furniture in her own room. THEN we painted the baby room. Looks really good too. once dry we started moving all her furniture from the basement upstairs to her room. In between all this, I mowed my lawn for the first time of the year. So all in all, it was a productive 2 days and I got plenty of excersize. We'll take pictures so you can see how nice the rooms look, Even my new office space downstairs looks pretty good. But don't worry Nicole and Shannon, there is still room for you both! Maria of course still has her own room since she technically still lives there when she's home from school, sorta, in a way.


At 8:44 AM, Blogger Tuba Queen said...

Yeah, it was fun wasn't it. I don't know mom, even nicole said it once, laughing does NOT make you stronger. Nope

At 12:28 PM, Blogger Irene said...

Yeah you should have seen us when we made the pot holder for your kitchen, Nicole laughed so hard she couldn't get the metal hooks to bend. And we all know she is stronger than me so that was proof enuf for me. But laughter does make your heart stronger!


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