Monday, October 31, 2005


I'm a zombie. Yes a ZOMBIE!! BOO

Tonight when I gave out candy, 5 kids about 11 years old each 'trick or treated' one boy and the rest girls. When I came to the door, the boy backed away, when I opened the door, the boy said 'never mind, I don't want any candy and left!! I scared him I guess! The Girls took my candy, it seems girls just understand the makeup thing better than boys. Pretty funny though when that boy saw a zombie at the door. BOOOOOOOO!

I've been busy!

Where to start! Thursday night Maria drove down from Manhattan and we went to a comedy show. My friend Olivia went too! WANDA SYKES was doing stand up at WSU. She had a guy opening for her, sorry I dont know his name, but he was awesome also. I love to laugh and Yes! I cackled.
THEN on Saturday, I drove up to Manhattan and went to the K-State Football game with Nicole, Shannon, Maria, Jenette, Chris and Erin. We really did well but lost by a field goal in the last few minutes! Sucks cuz 2 of our touchdowns were not allowed and one of our players had to be removed from the field by Ambulance in the last play that made us lose the ball for that stupid field goal! Oh well, they really are fun to watch and I think they did great since they played CO who is supposed to be the best team in the big 12. GO -WILDCATS!!
THEN on Sunday, I drove up to Nebraska with Nicole, Shannon, Jenette & Chris to see Nicole, Shannon, Jenette & Erin play HOCKEY! GO- K-STATE! The court was odd but they really played well. I was impressed. I had a great time and it was fun to watch my daughter play hockey again, It's been a while. OH and Shannon made a goal!! Go Shannon!

I had a fun!

Thursday, October 27, 2005

New Houdini Doctor----- not!

I guess when we move to new places (especially when we are old) we need to make sure we have a new doctor, or if you are female, two new doctors! SO TODAY I FOUND DOCTORS!
Funny thing is I moved 200 miles to find a doctor who was a roomate in college (K-State of course) with my OLD doctor who I really thought was great! Small world huh? he told me- new doctor- that Dr George- old doctor- once tied him to a chair and left him and he had to jump all over the dorm- chair attached- until someone would untie him. He said he got Dr George back but wouldnt tell me how! Sounds like MY KIND OF DR's. People with a sense of humor! So Now I have Dr Ed! I now know I have allergies, took 46 yrs but I finally developed them!

I'm learning!

Well my daughter Maria was here and showed me how to put a picture on my blog. She is the little one in the middle. These are my beautiful daughters, Nicole, Jayme and Maria. Aren't they pretty? Ria tried to show me how to put a picture on my profile but I wasn't getting it! Probably not such a bad idea to not put my picture up anyway. Oh well! I'll get it eventually. Thanks RIA!

I changed this picture and entry at the request of Maria who did not like the original picture I posted. See! Mom's do nice things for their children.


Well last night my boss and friend took all of us to dinner at SUMO. It was her sister Arianne's 28th birthday and we all love sushi! I ate EVERYTHING put on my plate. What is wrong with me? Everyone was able to do the 'doggy bag' thing but me. Sigh!! One day I'll learn that you do not have to eat everything on your plate. It really wont make much difference to anything but my waistline if I leave it or eat it! BUT it was good!

Monday, October 24, 2005


Hi all,
I decided that this blog thing looks like a fun way to let people know what's up. So i decided to try it and yes, Mommy has a blog. Now if I can figure out how to get out and in it, I'll be okay. Sometimes I'm very computer illiterate for a business woman.